
To make development and debugging of this library easy, you can run on a linked git clone when using it from an angular-cli based app.


  • Run on a git clone, not just on a released version of the library in node_modules. Making it possible to run on a branch, (master, feature branch for a later pull request…)
  • Sourcemaps of the library Typescript code in the browsers developer tools.
  • debugger;-statements can be placed in the typescript sourcecode of the library, as well as of the app.
  • instant recompile and reload of both app and library code changes when using ng serve.
  • keep imports the same: import { RESTAPIModule } from '@plone/restapi-angular'; should work both when we run on a release in node_modules or on a git clone.


You have created an app with angular-cli.

Setting up development

The method is:

  1. clone the library (or libraries).
  2. symlink the src-folder of the library into a packages-folder in your apps src-folder.
  3. configure the module resolution
  4. configure angular-cli build to follow symlinks

This method will build the library with the methods and configuration of your app. Production releases can behave differently.

1 and 2: The following script clones two libraries - plone.restapi-angular and angular-traversal, and symlinks them into src/packages

Run it from inside your app.

# Run me from project root
mkdir develop
cd develop
git clone
git clone
cd ..

mkdir src/packages
mkdir src/packages/@plone
ln -sT ../../../develop/plone.restapi-angular/src ./src/packages/@plone/restapi-angular
ln -sT ../../develop/angular-traversal/src ./src/packages/angular-traversal

For @plone/restapi-angular, we need to create the full namespace folder hierarchy (@plone).

3: Module resolution: We want to keep being able to import from @plone/restapi-angular, just as when running on a released version of the library:

import { RESTAPIModule } from '@plone/restapi-angular';

In tsconfig.json it is possible to configure a paths-mapping of module names to locations, relative to the baseUrl (the location of your apps main entry point).


Add the paths mapping to the compilerOptions in the of your app, (I assume you have the layout of an angular-cli standard project), and make sure the location matches with your baseUrl-setting.

"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
  "@plone/restapi-angular": ["packages/@plone/restapi-angular"],
  "angular-traversal": ["packages/angular-traversal"]

With some IDEs, like IntelliJ, you will have to put those settings into root tsconfig.json. Note that the baseUrl will be your source directory (probably ./src) there.

"baseUrl": "./src",
"paths": {
  "@plone/restapi-angular": ["packages/@plone/restapi-angular"],
  "angular-traversal": ["packages/angular-traversal"]

4: Add the following to the defaults section of your .angular-cli.json:

"defaults": {
  "build": {
    "preserveSymlinks": true